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Labor protection gloves and protective work gloves difference
Date:2017年06月19日 Visits:

Gloves are people in the daily life, labor, some sports, some activities, special circumstances, special operations, special work, can reach the hands of the skin from harm, followed by some people Life in a beautiful decorative gloves and art gloves, which people created a variety of human use of gloves.
Labor glove is that people use the gloves in labor called labor insurance gloves, is a comprehensive name, a lot of people misunderstood is a kind of gloves. The protective gloves is to protect the hand from the glove is called the protective gloves, but also a comprehensive name, a lot of people is a misunderstanding is a glove. Work gloves are gloves can be used in daily work gloves people called work gloves, in fact, is a general comprehensive name, many people are misunderstood is a glove.
Gloves use this is not elaborate, simply to protect the gloves of the skin is not hurt and human beauty decoration, and art to share. Glove price and quality is usually based on the glove material and production process may be, and some are by level pricing, such as premium, level, two, three, defective, or A, B, C, Level 1 (Grade A) is the best quality.
Glove name: Glove name is very much, usually based on glove material named, based on glove technology named, based on the use of gloves named, based on the function of the glove named, according to the regional ethnic dialect named.

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